
Ricardo Politi

External Relations Officer, Brazil President, Amazon Investor Coalition

Big Bet: Increase the economic competitiveness of forests to outcompete the deforestation economy, while promoting community wellbeing and fair benefits sharing

Project: Promote a virtuous cycle of economic development that drives ecological regeneration (and ecological regeneration that drives economic development), this project aims to design an innovative blended finance arrangement that leverages Non-timber Forest Products (“NTFPs”) value chains in the Amazon to create economic incentives for forest conservation. Through long term purchase agreements between corporate offtakers and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (“IPLCs”), this financial instrument seeks to strengthen sustainable forest-positive supply chains that promotes a triple benefit of socioeconomic prosperity (for traditional peoples), carbon sequestration (for climate stabilization), and nature preservation (for biodiversity and ecosystem services protection).

Featured on Forbes 30 Under 30, Ricardo is an Impact Tech Entrepreneur, that turned Venture Capitalist, and then turned Climate Advocate, acting today as the Brazil President & Global CIO for the nonprofit Amazon Investor Coalition. Previously, he Co-Founded B-certified Kria/Broota (the first Equity-based Crowdfunding platform in Brazil) and its spin-off Basement.io (ACQUIRED by Vórtx), as well as Mindset Ventures (Brazil-based VC fund with a pioneer cross-border investment approach – US and Israel) and Aya Hub (Green Economy solutions platform and physical space, merged as Aya Earth Partners).

Politi is also a Board Member at nonprofits Instituto Gerando Falcões and Alma de Batera, member of the Experts Committee at WEF, as well as a former Impact Officer LatAm for YPO Next Gen., Steering Committee at Nexus Global Summit and Management Committee at LIDE’s youth network. Ricardo has a BA in Business Administration at Insper and attended Executive Programs at Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley and London Business School. In the past decade, he has been fostering the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem as Co-Founder at Insper Angels, Mentor in many Startup Accelerators, Member in Public Policymaking and Advocacy Committees, Guest Lecturer at Insper, Co-Author of “Young Entrepreneurs” Book as well as Host at “Meu Start” TV Show on national television.