Reflecting on three years of impact and insight
The Covid-19 pandemic touched every corner of the world and made our lives, our communities, and our countries far worse off. Yet, for hundreds of millions of people around the world, the 21st century has been dominated by upheavals, many driven by the worsening climate crisis while disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable.
With a deep history in public health and food security, The Rockefeller Foundation and its partners had the experience, risk appetite, relationships and credibility needed to propel systemic change. As a result, the last three years were spent seeking new scientific advances, committing unprecedented resources, forming vast partnerships, and continuously measuring our results.
This report outlines how our dedicated team and network of partners worked together to end Covid-19 and prevent future health threats, help vulnerable communities recover from the economic impact, increase food access, and build a foundation for the future.
Explore our results and lessons on these pages, download the full report or view a snapshot of our achievements.
Select Impact by the Numbers:
What We and Our Partners Achieved
- HEALTH0Million
Covid-19 tests donated or procured by grantees in Latin America
people impacted by new or improved renewable energy connections across 7 countries
- GOOD FOOD0Million
meals served during Covid-19 emergency school feeding initiative across 15 U.S. districts
This report does not tell every story — nor mention in detail every one of our programs or partners — but it does show some of what is possible with a philanthropy in the 21st century.
Dr. Rajiv J. ShahPresident, The Rockefeller Foundation
- HEALTH0Million
Covid-19 tests delivered to U.S. communities through Project ACT
tons of CO2 reduced or averted by GEAPP projects in 7 countries
- GOOD FOOD0Countries
committed to serve 13M students with nutrient-dense meals, including Rwanda, Burundi, Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi
Looking back as we look ahead
Collaborating with allies and partners, the Foundation, despite the headwinds of crises like a pandemic, climate change, and war, supports the changes that enable people to be healthier, better nourished, and able to access opportunity.
This report summarizes what we have achieved from 2020–2022, a time of strain and change for the world. During this time, we made 856 grants and investments to 577 partners. We acknowledge and are grateful for their collaboration, even though they are not all represented here.
As we look to 2024 and beyond, The Rockefeller Foundation believes the systemic change necessary to advance equity and opportunity is possible. The last few years have demonstrated that there is an ecosystem of change-makers who have the commitment and capacity (and who have taught all of us what is needed) for real impact. We look forward to the future with optimism and hope, as we work with our partners — large and small, unlikely and deeply established — to build a more equitable and peaceful world.

Explore Our Impact Report Chapters
We assessed where we could have the greatest impact, and then set out to find the solutions and the partners to accelerate access to testing and vaccines for everyone.
While building alliances to fight the pandemic, the Foundation moved with equal diligence to increase economic opportunity as Covid-19 was strangling economies around the world.
We helped transform food systems in ways that help people produce and eat Good Food — food that is nutrient-dense, regeneratively grown, and equitably supplied and accessed.