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Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Oct 26 2020
Consumption Trends | Smart Power Myanmar
Rural energy consumption in Myanmar remains largely unknown and challenging to predict, posing a significant problem for mini-grid developers. Equipped with a deeper understanding of historic and likely future energy …
Power Asia
Oct 01 2020
Counting the City: Mayoral Views on the 2020 Census
As the 2020 Census concludes at the end of September, a large majority of the mayors of America’s major cities are extremely concerned that their cities’ populations will be undercounted. …
U.S. Economic Opportunity U.S. & the Americas
Sep 24 2020
State of Global Mini-Grids Market Report 2020
From the arid plains of Myanmar’s Dry Zone to the forests of the Amazon, mini-grids are starting to play an indispensable role in the mission to connect millions of people …
Power Asia
Sep 18 2020
Zero Gap Fund Update
Climate change, food insecurity, inequality, energy poverty, the threat of pandemics: these are the defining challenges of our time; challenges that require significantly more resources than philanthropy and government alone can …
Innovative Finance Global
Jul 27 2020
Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System
While Covid-19 and the resulting economic downturn made the negative consequences of the food system worse and more obvious, the pandemic did not create them and its end will not solve them. Covid-19 has, however, increased both the imperative and the opportunity to address these flaws and limitations once and for all. Now is the moment to transform the U.S. food system.
Food U.S. & the Americas