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Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Nov 29 2017
Women CEOs Speak - Executive Summary
When roughly 94% of Fortune 1000 chief executive officers (CEOs) are men, what qualities drive the 6% who are women to the most elite reaches of corporate leadership? To find …
U.S. Economic Opportunity
Nov 28 2017
Fighting Food Waste in Hotels
World Wildlife Fund and the American Hotel and Lodging Association, with support from The Rockefeller Foundation, created this toolkit as a challenge to the industry to: PREVENT food waste from …
Nov 13 2017
Zero Waste Design Guidelines
The Zero Waste Design Guidelines grew from a question posed by Clare Miflin, architect at Kiss + Cathcart, Architects. While moderating an Urban Green panel on organics collection, she asked, …
Sep 19 2017
Toolkit for Food Waste-Free Events
Why should you care about minimizing food waste at your event? Nobody wants to waste food. Cutting waste can mean cutting costs, through lowered bottom lines, tax deductions from donations, and …