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Latest Reports

Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Mar 17 2017
Africa GreenCo Feasibility Study
This Feasibility Study proposes and evaluates a simple, yet fundamental change to the structuring of independent power projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, and to the way in which financial and credit …
Innovative Finance Technology & Innovation
Feb 23 2017
Resilience Week 2016 Hosted by The Rockefeller Foundation
In December 2016, The Rockefeller Foundation’s African Regional Office hosted the Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Convening in Nairobi, Kenya. Over 150 delegates and 40 speakers participated, sharing insights, examples, and engaging in debate and discussion on why …
Dec 12 2016
Inclusive Economies Indicators Full Report
This report provides a summary of our research and recommendations for indicators to measure inclusive economies. Read the executive summary of this full report here.