Around the world, almost a quarter of the world’s population or 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity. Of these, close to 85 percent of those without electricity live in …
The ‘resilience revolution’ that has spread through international development policy and practice continues apace. This report is the first of a set of quarterly ‘resilience scans’ on the latest developments …
The Rockefeller Foundation initiated a nine-year Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) in ten initial cities and four countries1 in 2008. ACCCRN seeks to strengthen the capabilities of cities …
In August and September 2014, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) queried 248 executives at companies around the world about the role of business in building urban climate resilience. Slightly more than half are …
In 2013, Martin Rees, former president of the UK’s Royal Society, a prestigious fellowship of scientists from every field across science, engineering and medicine, wrote in Science magazine, “The main …
I n 2013, in the city of Tacloban in the Philippines, business owners started shutting shop after desperate survivors of Typhoon Haiyan turned to looting. As the storm’s aftermath illustrates, …
Environmental, economic and political circles around the world are rethinking how they value the services ecosystems provide. Some forests are now protected for the benefits they bring communities and companies, …
Today, an estimated 470 million smallholder farmers and supply chain actors across developing countries lose an average of 15 percent of their income to food spoilage. Spoilage limits how much …
As private and public players at all levels examine our progress in moving people out of poverty, the time is right to explore if and how livelihoods have improved. What factors really determine …
In November 2014, Rebuild by Design asked community leaders, design and planning experts, and government officials to discuss their experiences in creating and implementing large-scale infrastructure projects—and to highlight key …