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Latest Reports

Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Feb 26 2014
Powering Advanced Industries: State by State
This report report from Brookings, with Rockefeller Foundation support, shows that building up a region’s advanced industries is one such possibility with enormous potential. These industries not only create good …
Feb 14 2014
Agenda Suramerica
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are driving powerful changes in the way people work, relax, learn, and understand the world they live in. The possibilities that these technologies offer are …
Feb 06 2014
Revaluing Ecosystems: Visions of a Better Future
In November 2013, The Rockefeller Foundation hosted “The Future of Revaluing Ecosystems.” This was the second in its series of high-level meetings focused on advancing inclusive economies that expand opportunities …
Dec 19 2013
Transforming Cities: Visions of a better future
Cities are fonts of ideas, opportunity, art and political movements. But urban enclaves can also generate inequality, epidemics and pollution. The rapid pace of urbanization in the coming decades brings …
Dec 03 2013
Global Health 2035 - The Lancet Commissions
Prompted by the 20th anniversary of the 1993 World Development Report, a Lancet Commission revisited the case for investment in health and developed a new investment frame work to achieve dramatic health gains by …