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Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Oct 14 2021
Smart Power Connect | September 2021
Energy plays a critical role in increasing productivity and improving livelihoods. However, the complex nexus between sources of electricity and how that power is used productively in rural value chains and …
Power Asia
Oct 04 2021
Investing in Emerging and Frontier Economies
Combating climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals require vast investment in sustainable projects in developing countries, but the world is falling short. A crucial reason is that a rich …
Technology & Innovation Global
Sep 07 2021
Smart Power Connect | August 2021
India has made significant strides in achieving widespread electrification, connecting more than 750 million people over the last two decades. However, the electric power consumed per capita in India is 75% less …
Power Asia
Aug 30 2021
Co-Develop: Digital Public Infrastructure for an Equitable Recovery
As we build back better from the Covid-19 pandemic, we have an unprecedented opportunity to build digital public infrastructure that promotes inclusion, human rights, and progress toward global goals. This report outlines an agenda for international cooperation on digital public infrastructure to guide future investments and expansion of this critical tool.
Technology & Innovation Global