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Foundation-written and -funded reports look at current state of affairs and shine a light on the future
Jul 25 2021
Implementing Covid-19 Routine Testing in K–12 Schools: Lessons and Recommendations from Pilot Sites
The Rockefeller Foundation partnered with six school sites across the country to pioneer rigorous Covid-19 testing strategies that would keep children safe and schools open for learning. The effort, called the K-12 Testing Protocol Demonstration Project, launched in October 2020 in 335 schools and affiliated locations across Louisville, Ky.; Los Angeles; New Orleans; Tulsa, Okla.; the District of Columbia; and State of Rhode Island—unearthing key guidance and considerations applicable to peer schools nationwide.
Health U.S. & the Americas
Jul 12 2021
Zero Gap Fund: State of the Portfolio 2020
The past year has been a period of unprecedented challenge and dislocation around the globe, yet also a time of resilience and determination. Our collective response to the Covid-19 pandemic …
Innovative Finance Global
Jun 30 2021
Reinforcing the Value of Covid-19 Testing: Message Brief
As public attention has turned to vaccines, it is more important than ever that we reinforce the importance of widespread testing to stop new outbreaks before they start. We are launching a Message Brief on Reinforcing the Value of Covid-19 Testing to explore the motivations behind Americans getting tested even as vaccinations rates rise. Insights are informed by a nationally-representative study conducted by Hattaway Communications to identify how vaccination status may or may not affect attitudes about testing.
Health U.S. & the Americas
Jun 10 2021
Will Students Come Back?: Parent’s Attitudes to School Re-Opening
New research, conducted by RAND Corporation and commissioned by The Rockefeller Foundation, details parents’ preferences for in-person school safety measures and how they differ on racial and ethnic lines. Among key findings: 84 percent of parents plan to send at least some of their children to school in person in the fall, another 12 percent are unsure, and only 5 percent of parents have no plans to do so.
Health U.S. & the Americas
Jun 01 2021
One for All: An Updated Action Plan for Global Covid-19 Vaccination
Stopping the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic requires that all countries have equal access to Covid-19 vaccination. This new report by The Rockefeller Foundation, One for All: An Updated Action Plan for Global Covid-19 Vaccination, an update of the first report in April 2021, offers a 5-point action plan to scale equitable vaccination around the world.
Health Global
May 24 2021
Three Steps to Smart Covid-19 Testing: A Guide for Employers
While there is no ideal one-size-fits-all testing strategy, this guide walks businesses and organizations through three key steps to shape a testing plan best suited to the organization’s needs:1) assessing risk; 2) choosing the best testing strategy; and 3) putting testing strategies into action.
Health U.S. & the Americas