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A third of all humanity lacks access to reliable power. This blunt reality drives immense social inequities. Access to power spells the difference, literally, between darkness and light. It determines whether you have modern healthcare, transportation and telecommunications. Clean fuels for cooking and heating offer an escape from chronic respiratory illness. Reliable power opens the door to educational and economic opportunity.
Only by ending energy poverty can we end poverty itself. This is why the Global Commission to End Energy Poverty was created.
A key focus for the Commission has been addressing problems in distribution, which has emerged as the “weak link” in the power systems of many developing countries.
The Commission’s recent report outlines an integrated distribution framework and toolkit for reforming the fledgling electricity distribution sectors of low-access countries, which can be adapted to a wide range of national circumstances.
Join The Rockefeller Foundation and The MIT Energy Initiative for a conversation about the work of the Commission over the past year, and how its leaders are making the case for universal electricity access

This event featured two panels:
GCEEP Panel:
Ashvin Dayal
Senior Vice President, Power, The Rockefeller Foundation
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah
President, The Rockefeller Foundation, President's Office, The Rockefeller Foundation
First Action Country Panel:
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GCEEP Electricity Access 2020 Report
A third of all humanity lacks access to reliable power. This blunt reality drives immense social inequities. Access to power spells the difference, literally, between darkness and light. It determines whether you have modern healthcare, transportation and telecommunications. Clean fuels for cooking and heating offer an escape from chronic respiratory illness. Reliable power opens the […]